A man sat in a group therapy session

Tackle Appoints new Trustee

Tackle is very pleased to announce the appointment of Alphonso Archer as a Trustee with immediate effect.

Alphonso spoke very eloquently about his prostate cancer story at the prostate cancer screening discussion we held in the House of Commons earlier this year. He had been diagnosed with prostate cancer so recommended his brother to have a PSA test; however, as his brother was under 50, this was refused him even despite the clear family connection increasing the risk and that he was of black ethnicity which doubled the risk from 1 in 8 to 1 in 4.

Alphonso is also an avid player of Walking Football and has had considerable success reaching the final of the People’s Cup in 2018. Read the story here.

Alphonso said that he was “really looking forward to working with the the Board and all supporters to keep prostate cancer high on the agenda in all areas until this becomes a disease of less significance”.

Chairman Roger Wotton said “I am delighted that Alphonso has joined us. No one could fail to be impressed with the passion and commitment he has for earlier diagnosis of prostate cancer”.


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