We hear from Sarah, our Director of Operations and National Programmes, who recently visited the Isle of Wight Prostate Cancer Support Group. Here’s what she had to say:
‘This month’s spotlight falls on IWPCSG, otherwise known as the Isle of Wight Prostate Cancer Support Group. I was fortunate enough to visit this group a couple of weeks ago. I felt like I was going on holiday as I caught the ferry to the island.
The group has made sterling efforts with running community PSA blood testing events, however, that is only just scratching the surface in the gargantuan amount of work they do across all aspects of our charitable objectives of Support, Campaigning and Awareness. Led by a small hardworking committee, this year will see them doing over 30 awareness events, including five PSA blood testing events . They attend a number of events across the island, attracting interest from residents and tourists from across the UK. They provide support through a lively monthly group, as well as wellbeing Yoga sessions. Using the resources of our Boys need Bins campaign they have started to call for bins in male toilets across the island, by writing to all venues and local councillors.
Their hard work had not gone unrecognised and this year so far, they have won two awards, including a Gold Award in the Isle of Wight Community Awards.
Well done IWPCSG, for your hard work, we celebrate you and all our groups across the country.’
If you’re local to the Isle of Wight Prostate Cancer Support Group and could feel like you benefit from their service, visit their website here. If you’re not in the area, but would like to know where your local prostate cancer support group is, find your nearest one on our website.