Three men from different generations of a family sat together

National Prostate Cancer Audit Annual Report 2017

The National Prostate Cancer Audit (NPCA) is the first national clinical audit of the care that men receive following a diagnosis of prostate cancer. It is designed to collect information about the diagnosis, management and treatment of every patient newly diagnosed with prostate cancer in England and Wales, and their outcomes.

The 2017 Report has just been published. Or you can read an Executive Summary of the 2017 Report.

Roger Wotton, Chairman of Tackle Prostate Cancer commented: “This is the fourth annual National Prostate Cancer Audit report.  Tackle continues to play a part in the process. I am a member of the Clinical Reference Group, representing patients’ interests and Professor Heather Payne, who is the Oncological clinical lead, is a member of Tackle’s Clinical Advisory Board.  Although this version is primarily produced for a clinical audience, a summarised, more general version will be available in the Spring of 2018. Nevertheless, this report is worth reading for the improvements we are seeing in over-treatment and clinical practice. You can also find the data for your own NHS Trust”

The NPCA is managed as a partnership between a team of clinical, cancer information and audit experts from the British Association of Urological Surgeons, the British Uro-oncology Group, the National Cancer Registration Service and The Royal College of Surgeons’ Clinical Effectiveness Unit.


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