Changes to the Tackle Team!

Changes to the Tackle Team!

We wanted to share some exciting news with you about some recent changes within the Tackle team. We are committed to look at ways we can diversify our skill-mix and representation to ensure we have the right team in place to support people who live with or who are affected by prostate cancer. 

Firstly, we wanted to welcome Angela Jones, our  Finance Director and Company Secretary and Andrew Moffatt, our Fundraising Lead. These roles are so important to the growth and sustainability of Tackle. We’re really excited for the ways that Angela and Andew can support each other in their roles and enable Tackle to grow. 

We have had quite a major refresh to our board of trustees; where we’ve welcomed new and familiar faces into the team. These new appointments were opportunities to diversify our Board, to ensure we’re more inclusive and representative of different communities. It also gave us the chance to renew our commitment of ensuring we achieve our mission, vision and legacy. 

Before we introduce our new appointments, we’d like to say a huge thank you to a couple of people who have supported Tackle over the years. They include our acting chair, Steve Allen, and our former trustee and Company Secretary, John Coleman. Both individuals have provided such a wealth of knowledge and have been true assets to our governance. Steve will continue to serve as a Trustee and patient representative, whilst we bid goodbye and offer our best wishes to John. We are excited to introduce our new Board of Trustees and where this new chapter will take us… 

At a recent board meeting current Trustees Aidan Adkins and Roshani Perera, were appointed as our co-chairs. Their combined personal and professional experience, hopes to push Tackle in new directions and ensure we continue to be adaptable and innovative in our approach. Aidan will lead on peer support programmes and awareness and Roshani will lead on campaigns and strategy, whilst offering support to one another in sharing the responsibilities of chair. 

Tony Collier, was elected as a Trustee at our last Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the board appointed him as Vice Chair to further strengthen the leadership at Tackle. Tony, was diagnosed with stage four prostate cancer five and a half years ago after noticing a pain in his groin while training for an ultra marathon; and instead of giving up, he ran 5k every day for a year! Tony is a committed advocate for prostate cancer, a retired accountant and is an ambassador for Prostate Cancer UK. He co-founded the online Facebook Prostate Cancer Support Group, which has over 4000 active members. We’re delighted to have Tony on the team and feel his experience and existing connections are going to further enhance our organisation. 

Last but by no means least we warmly welcome newly elected Trustees Peter Corbishley, Simon Faulkner and Ken Mastris. Peter, is a member/group leader of the Kidderminster and Worcestershire Prostate Cancer Support Group. Simon, is the coordinator of METRO Walnut, a prostate cancer support group for the LGBTQ+ community. He has run the now twice monthly peer support group since January 2014. We’re really looking forward to working with Simon on how we and the prostate cancer community can become more representative and inclusive for LGBTQ+ population. 

Ken has been part of the Tackle team in different capacities for over 10 years including past chair of Tackle and chair of Europa Uomo. Ken is a committed patient advocate and tirelessly works to improve prostate cancer care. It goes without saying (but we are saying it anyway!) we’re really pleased he’s back on the board and are looking forward to what he has to bring! 

If you’d like to know more about our Trustees or would be interested in joining the team in some capacity, then head here: Our People – Tackle Prostate Cancer


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