Spotlight On: Isle of Wight Prostate Cancer Support Group

Group of people sat in a room gathered for a prostate cancer support group meeting. There is a few empty chairs and an empty table at the front of the picture.

We hear from Sarah, our Director of Operations and National Programmes, who recently visited the Isle of Wight Prostate Cancer Support Group. Here’s what she had to say: ‘This month’s spotlight falls on IWPCSG, otherwise known as the Isle of Wight Prostate Cancer Support Group. I was fortunate enough to visit this group a couple […]

An inspirational prostate cancer story

A group of women huddled together after a boxercise session.

We hear from our Communications and Marketing Manager, Molly, who shares how a conversation can be so impactful… Sometimes, you cross paths with someone who shares the most inspirational story that’s so powerful, it’s deafening.  Michela, is a trans woman who was living in her former (male) shadow for 60 years of her life. Trapped […]

Stride On! Prostate Cancer Walking Football have joined Tackle.

Arsenal in the Community have recently launched an exciting new project called ‘Stride On: Walking football for Men affected by Prostate Cancer, they are the latest group to join the Tackle sphere. The project is running in partnership with UCLH (University College London Hospitals) and is funded by the UCLH Charity’s Cancer Fund. Sessions are […]

New Tackle Support Groups!

We’ve recently welcomed a few new support groups to our Tackle sphere. Sutton Coldfield, The Green Prostate Support Group (Bradford) and the Huddersfield Prostate Cancer Support Group, are the latest additions to our fold and we couldn’t be more pleased.  We spoke with Chris, who co-runs the Huddersfield group about his prostate cancer experience, how […]

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