
The Role

The Board of Trustees has an integral role to the effective running of the charity and provides effective governance for Tackle Prostate Cancer to ensure progress is continually made on achieving the vision and mission of the charity.


  • To ensure that Tackle Prostate Cancer operates within its constitution and abides by all relevant charity legislation
  • To oversee, review and develop the charity’s governance and constitutional arrangements
  • Working to maximise the effectiveness of the Board
  • To set and review the strategic aims of the organisation
  • To provide leadership across the organisation to ensure that the strategic aims are met
  • To ensure the good management of the organisation
  • To ensure that the assets of Tackle Prostate Cancer are protected and oversee all financial affairs of the organisation
  • To at all times make decisions and undertake their duties in the best interests of the organisation, in accordance with all appropriate legislation and the aims and values of the charity
  • To actively participate and/or lead a working group that supports in more detail a specific aspect of Tackle Prostate Cancer’s work such as finance, fund-raising, communication, strategy. These will meet on a more regular basis for example, monthly.

Membership of the Board and Board Meetings.

The Board consists of seven elected trustees and three appointed trustees who are appointed by the Board of trustees and they typically bring a specific skill or experience such as with our treasurer.

Trustees are elected for three years. These are all unpaid roles, however expenses are paid in accordance with the charity’s expenses policy. Board meetings are currently held on a quarterly basis during the day. They are usually held in person across the UK but are also held via the Zoom platform when circumstances require. Trustees are also expected to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Each trustee needs to:

  • Make time to prepare for and attend the AGM, board and their working group meetings
  • Be ready to support the charity between meetings or with other activities: for example:
  • considering issues over e-mail, discussing matters over the phone with others, attending remote meetings
  •  acting as an ambassador for the charity to help achieve the charity’s aims.

It is essential that trustees have the necessary time and passion to take on the trustee role.

Trustee Recruitment Process

As a charity we wish to have a board of trustees that is representative of the population it serves – those affected by prostate cancer. We believe that a diverse board, in the widest sense of the meaning, is important as it creates more balanced decision making.

Advertising openly and widely about our open positions will give us the best chance of finding the trustees we need and we will look hard at any barriers for potential trustees and remove any barriers we find to be unnecessary that are unintentionally limiting who can apply to be a trustee.

Trustees still need to be elected into position at the AGM and their nomination will ultimately need to be supported by one of our many member support groups. As a board, we can propose one or more candidates to the membership who we consider to be most suitable for the board vacancies. At the 2024 AGM, to be held on 17th June 2024, we have two vacancies that need to be filled. The board will conduct a review of all applications to help decide which ones to propose to the members. We don’t know how many people will apply so we cannot promise everyone an interview, however for the ones the board believe to be the most suitable from all the applicants we will hold interviews to allow for a good exchange of information.

Ready to apply?

Please do send a brief CV, one page would be great, and a covering letter supporting your application. Please note that these documents may also be sent to members as part of the election process.

A Trustee recruitment pack can be found below. Your CV should be sent to [email protected] no later than 31st May 2024



Job reference: Trustee

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